About me

In Tulsa, Oklahoma, I grew up with two brothers. Storytime, finger-painting and cooking were my favorite class activities when I taught kindergarten in the Tulsa Public Schools. When school starts every year, I want a brand new box of crayons!
I love picture book writing, author visits, crayons and dogs! One of my hobbies is solving and creating puzzles.
Now I live in Houston with my husband Robert and our Maltese, Princess Puppy. Our son, Jeff, lives in Austin, Texas, and our daughter, Julie, lives nearby.
I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, attending conferences in Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Austin, Vermont, New York and Los Angeles. I belong to a children’s writers critique group and am a freelance editor.
I love picture book writing, author visits, crayons and dogs! One of my hobbies is solving and creating puzzles.
Now I live in Houston with my husband Robert and our Maltese, Princess Puppy. Our son, Jeff, lives in Austin, Texas, and our daughter, Julie, lives nearby.
I am a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, attending conferences in Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Austin, Vermont, New York and Los Angeles. I belong to a children’s writers critique group and am a freelance editor.
I read my books to Ty and Maggie. Here they are after a morning of fun with Miss Doris!
Here is my FIRST FAN LETTER from two readers who are brother and sister.
They even drew owls and remembered to include ODD numbers!
They even drew owls and remembered to include ODD numbers!
Princess Puppy says hello!